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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

stages of sickness

well, i'm sick kids. that's right it's that phase, the phase of being sick where i actually admit i'm sick. this usually happens right before i get well. so this means i usually end up with about two large phases of sick with occasional smaller phases mixed in. the first phase of sick is the denial phase where i say things like "I'm fine" that are complete and utter lies but i'm unaware at the time that they are untruths. but i've gone too far into the phases, at the beginning no one notices i'm sick, i just tend to sleep a bit more and go out a bit less. after a day or so of this, no matter how much i've slept i look like the walking dead and this is when people start asking things like, "Are you okay?" at which point i reply with one of my handy untruths. after this point, but still in the denial phase, i'm actually sick. fevery, nauseous, you name it and usually that very night i become inexplicably pessimistic, "omg, I'm not ready for college. what am i going to do with my life?" etc. It's usually right about then that i start to think, "Hey, am I sick?" and my body replies, "Yes, run for the bathroom." Even after i know i'm sick i tend to power through a couple more days until I give out and can't lift my bookbag, or for that matter can't even walk without falling or running into things (by the way, i fell when i tried to answer the phone and banged up my forearms). For these days of recuperation I feel pretty fine (it's hard to judge though because at this point i've started taking medication) except for the random boughts of sleepiness and noodlyness and the temperature jumps. ah well, that's my life and right now my parents are mandhandling me into going to the doctor. It's working quite well because i'm not up to fighting them at the moment but even in this weakened state it's taken them three days to break me down. I think that qualifies me for the CIA, especially since the CIA has probably never been questioned by my mom.



sorry you're sick! you're missing a FUN in-class essay and multiple choice section practice test! yay! i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you'll have a lot to do when you get back! :(

Angela said...

AHHH!!!!! *runs for hills, stumbles and falls on face* yeah i figured as much. I should be back tomorrow though, they pumped me full of steroids and gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and allegra-d and said to take mucinex too. I think they're trying to embalm me. I think i'll skip my club meetings tomorrow. oh darn, i have to take stephanie home though. what to do!?!

Dakota Floyd said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. I was feeling a bit "meh" the other day, but I'm nearly better.

We almost finished Peace Frog tonight (one set to go). It's easy, though...just like everything else we're doing.

Angela said...

well we almost had peace frog finished before anyway and i have the drill charts so i'll catch up. we basically go around in giant circles so it'll be alright. did your vocal cords ever get better?

Dakota Floyd said...

Haha, nice. Yea, I actually wondered why Voldemort didn't hide them in random things. Oh well. Nice answers!

PS -- No, my vocal cords aren't better yet. I'm going to a specialist on the 24th. Eep!