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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Hate the SAT

Guess what I did yesterday kids? Well, I spent HOURS filling out the paper registration form for the SAT because the online registration paper I got from the counselor's office said I couldn't register online because I have not taken the SAT before. WRONG!!!!!! AHHH!!!!! I can register online even though i've never taken the SAT before and they even still have my info. from the PSAT. After that, at about ten I complete my research paper for calculus because like an idiot i thought it was due today. It wasn't even due until Friday and both Stephanie and I did it and turned it in early and had to scramble to finish our essays for Krieger during the time we work in the library. It's actually all pretty funny, even to me. Ah well, laugh at life it'll kill you in the end anyway blah, blah, blah. Well my clubs officially start this week (excluding band which is practically a 365 days a year thing) and i think i might go crazy. I have something to do everyday of the week and pretty much guaranteed homework. I love it. I know, but I told you I'd go crazy. I love everything i participate in and i like feeling I can conquer anything my advanced classes throw at me. It's pretty fun when I'm not passing out from exhaustion. Nah, I'm kidding I only pass out from heat exhaustion after band (Yeah, I'm still just kidding). Anyway speaking of band, I have to go get ready for practice.



yeah, I noticed those essays you two turned in today seemed a should I say it?...BRIEF. Yes, that extended paragraph requirement just keeps gettin' shorter every week... ;p

Dakota Floyd said...

Haha, glad to see someone else is a procrastinator.

And no worries! I don't see it as being weird at all. The only weird thing for me is knowing that people are actually reading what I'm writing, which didn't seem to happen before this year. Haha.

Angela said...

uggggggghhhhhhhh, Kriegy don't complain at least i put forth effort for your assignments. and dakote, us half assers rock i did have an email that was an equation that proved halfassing got onehundred and ten percent more work done than actual hard work.