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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Highway to Hell

HAHAHa!!! I drove all the way to the town center mall yesterday BY MYSELF!! that is the farthest I've ever driven without a relative, stephanie was with me though. I stopped at my cousin's house on the way down there and she gave me my birthday present that she's been carrying around since june. it's a little angel playing the flute and it's now hanging from my rearview mirror. Once we got to the mall we hit up my two favorite stores, Spencer's and Hot topic. Guess what, as soon as we walked into the store we saw Deana and Ashley, that kind of freaked us out. Anyway, Spencer's was so awesome too, it had all of the Halloween stuff set up so I ended up changing what i wanted to be for halloween and buying a costume accesory from them. There was a costume there that made stephanie and i say, "Richard should be that for Halloween." It was a costume called tricky Dick and you could probably imagine what it was. I came so close to buying this awesome green glove that said 'official irish drinking glove.' I don't drink yet but it still would have been funny. I didn't get anything from Hot Topic this time but we went to Bath and Body works where I spent the remainder of my non-food money. OH yeah, at Spencer's i bought some purple hair dye and a Captain Jack Sparrow Beard for drama club. Unfortunately this year we will not be able to do Spamalot or Monty Python and the HOly Grail because some people had problems with their parents letting them be in those productions. Some might do a few scenes from Monty Python though. I think this production will be very wicked so everybody come watch us!!!

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