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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Band Stuff

Well, we went this Saturday to the Lake Lanier Band Competition and we did pretty well. We didn't place in class or anything like that but we did get straight 2's for the band, a 2 for drum major, a 2 for percussion, and a 1 for guard who also placed second in class. The eight captains had to stand there forever while they called the awards and scores and my hands were frozen. Jamie said that we weren't cold, the guard members were cold because part of their uniforms is mesh. Fine, but if we can't be cold then i don't want to hear them complain about being hot ever again. After we were all back on the buses I went around with the candy I used to bribe the woodwinds into doing well. yep, they love me. We did see this one psychotic band that I have no idea how they have so many members. A girl, who I'm assuming was their drum major, was yelling at them telling them all to shutup (we were about five hundred yards away from the stadium at this point therefore it was completely unnecessary for them to be dead silent) and that if they wanted to win they had better start acting like it right now, oh yeah, they were all at the fall in position too. The chaperones woke everyone one up on the buses a few minutes before we got back to the band room at 1 am. I put the award I had carried on the table and I got out of there (after putting my uniform and stuff up). My dad took me to huddle house where my mom and some of my friends were hanging out and I bought some biscuits and gravy, and milk, I love milk. I ate most of it when I got home and then I passed out at about 2 am then my mom's alarm clock woke me up at 8:30 so I woke her up and went back to bed. I think I woke up at 12 this last time and ate a slice of pizza and played with my nieces and made some lemonade. I think I"ll bring Kriegy some lemonade on Monday. *wonders if she could bring her lunch too and, if so, what she should make* possibly soup again but I don't like to repeat myself. Ooh, ooh, ooh, Kriegy don't tell anyone but guess what I'm gonna be for Halloween. V from V for Vendetta, hehehe one of the best movies of the world. Urgh, you should have read that journal instead of my extended paragraphs I thought it was actually pretty good. *sigh*

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Posty, post, post

You want to know something totally random? Alrighty then. Today i actually got to go home and just, you know, hang around for a little bit but then my dad get's a call from an older lady. my dad runs his own business where he repairs appliances, the lady called for him to come fix her printer because it wasn't working. My dad knows a little bit about computers so he asked me if i wanted to go fix it (I work on computers and stuff in the library and I've had computer classes so it's not like he picked a completely unqualified person), anyway i didn't have anything to do so i said yes. i go and fix the ladies printer, it wasn't really the printer just a problem witht he computer not sending info properly, and for less than an hour's worth of work she paid us forty bucks. Granted i gave my dad five bucks for gas, but still thirty five dollars is a good haul for less than an hour. So, for all those people who are mystified as to how i have no official 'job' and still somehow have money, no, i do not actually work for the mafia (unless you the count the book mafia but that's completely voluntary).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Highway to Hell

HAHAHa!!! I drove all the way to the town center mall yesterday BY MYSELF!! that is the farthest I've ever driven without a relative, stephanie was with me though. I stopped at my cousin's house on the way down there and she gave me my birthday present that she's been carrying around since june. it's a little angel playing the flute and it's now hanging from my rearview mirror. Once we got to the mall we hit up my two favorite stores, Spencer's and Hot topic. Guess what, as soon as we walked into the store we saw Deana and Ashley, that kind of freaked us out. Anyway, Spencer's was so awesome too, it had all of the Halloween stuff set up so I ended up changing what i wanted to be for halloween and buying a costume accesory from them. There was a costume there that made stephanie and i say, "Richard should be that for Halloween." It was a costume called tricky Dick and you could probably imagine what it was. I came so close to buying this awesome green glove that said 'official irish drinking glove.' I don't drink yet but it still would have been funny. I didn't get anything from Hot Topic this time but we went to Bath and Body works where I spent the remainder of my non-food money. OH yeah, at Spencer's i bought some purple hair dye and a Captain Jack Sparrow Beard for drama club. Unfortunately this year we will not be able to do Spamalot or Monty Python and the HOly Grail because some people had problems with their parents letting them be in those productions. Some might do a few scenes from Monty Python though. I think this production will be very wicked so everybody come watch us!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dance with the Devil

well today is spirit day and i'm all dressed up. And Krieger I'm here rittenhouse just said he forgot to tell you that dakota and i will be in the parade with the band so if you're taking roll for fourth block then count us here please. The seniors went and stole the paint and my yellow paper from the library so stephanie and i went to track them down they said they got the paint from mrs. payne so hopefully we'll get it back sometime. Oh well, time to go enjoy my music some more.

breathe your life into me
I still need you I'm falling.
falling faster
Breathe your life into me

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today was one of the worst days ever

Today was just one of those days. I almost had a couple of nervous break downs but i held it together. it seems like you see kids freaking out every day now though. I personally know a couple like Erica Bunpermkoon and Ashley Lloyd. I don't get it. I almost flew off the handle.
a direct quote from today in math.
Me: "I don't know."
Person: "What do you mean you don't know? You're Angela, you're supposed to know, that's what you do."
I'm not a mythical freaking creature, i don't have the answers to everything especially when i just sat through the same lesson you did and learned the exact same thing and wasn't even here for two days when you learned the basis for the lesson today. I know i got a one hundred on the quiz over the section you did when i was out but it doesn't mean i can just spring ahead and teach you and answer your freaking questions like i always do. IT BOTHERS ME!!!! People put you on a pedestal and take every chance they get to kick it out from under your feet.
I'm sorry this post is so negative, i just had a really bad day today and it makes me want to just go be a bum on the street.
I also found out today that i have a higher GPA than Robert but I'm still second in class. What is with that?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bah Bah Black Sheep, have you any wool?

We're almost done with rebarcoding the books in the library so right now i'm just sitting here, checking the only blog the school still lets us view. It seems like they're cracking down on random stuff now. yesterday we were stopped by mr. kelley when we were taking our lunch from the lunch room back to the library. apparently you're not allowed to bring food back into the building. Well the very way he phrased it allows for some loopholes. If i had taken the food through the halls instead of going outside would that technically count as taking it back into the building? Stephanie and I are also considering just bringing our lunches from now on and eating them in the library anyway. Hey Kriegy, we might even let you in on the library lunches and just bring you food and eat with you. A diet should consist of more than pop tarts and pudding cups. I think i'll bring you some of my awesome lemonade when we start bringing our lunches. well, I'm off to go do whatever librarians do when there's no one in the library...buahaha

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The perks of being on steroids

Well i was wondering kids, are steroids completely illegal or are they just considered unethical in the case of professional athletes and body builders? Ah well, on to my actual point. I'm feeling much better now after my second go at the medicines. I started feeling pretty horrible at school but hey, i got completely caught up in economics and analysis, i even almost got everything done for AP Language. I should be fine by the end of the week though.
Does anybody know how one might go about raising his or her class rank? How do they calculate that anyway? I don't think i could beat the Robert-tron if it was based solely on gpa. well i probably could but i'm not willing to turn into a completely soulless workbot, I NEED A LIFE TOO!!! Ahhh, my families been turning the thumbscrews trying to get me to pick a definite major for college. i don't know, at this point it would be great if someone would just decide for me. I love music and would enjoy composing music for films like john williams and danny elfman do but i also want to be a doctor or publisher and i've always wanted to start my own business, like a day spa. BAH!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!! Effie (Stephanie) has joined the darkside and decided on a major, she wants to be a history teacher. that seems great for her but it makes me sad that i can't say "hey, yeah this is what i want to do."
It just seems like with all these years of school i haven't gotten any real experience that would allow me to make an educated decision on what i'm actually good at.]
Let's not end on a potentially depressing point though, tralala Pathways' writing and art competition is starting early thanks the incessant pleadings of effie and myself. So kiddies, got songs, short stories, drawings, or photos? If you do submit them to Pathways and you might even win some money in time for christmas.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

stages of sickness

well, i'm sick kids. that's right it's that phase, the phase of being sick where i actually admit i'm sick. this usually happens right before i get well. so this means i usually end up with about two large phases of sick with occasional smaller phases mixed in. the first phase of sick is the denial phase where i say things like "I'm fine" that are complete and utter lies but i'm unaware at the time that they are untruths. but i've gone too far into the phases, at the beginning no one notices i'm sick, i just tend to sleep a bit more and go out a bit less. after a day or so of this, no matter how much i've slept i look like the walking dead and this is when people start asking things like, "Are you okay?" at which point i reply with one of my handy untruths. after this point, but still in the denial phase, i'm actually sick. fevery, nauseous, you name it and usually that very night i become inexplicably pessimistic, "omg, I'm not ready for college. what am i going to do with my life?" etc. It's usually right about then that i start to think, "Hey, am I sick?" and my body replies, "Yes, run for the bathroom." Even after i know i'm sick i tend to power through a couple more days until I give out and can't lift my bookbag, or for that matter can't even walk without falling or running into things (by the way, i fell when i tried to answer the phone and banged up my forearms). For these days of recuperation I feel pretty fine (it's hard to judge though because at this point i've started taking medication) except for the random boughts of sleepiness and noodlyness and the temperature jumps. ah well, that's my life and right now my parents are mandhandling me into going to the doctor. It's working quite well because i'm not up to fighting them at the moment but even in this weakened state it's taken them three days to break me down. I think that qualifies me for the CIA, especially since the CIA has probably never been questioned by my mom.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I can't think of a title right now.

So, i've almost finished my senior ad thing. it's kind of depressing having to get my own ad together but i understand. my mom went on vacation and she's handled all the paperwork for years so i was kind of afraid to ask my dad to do it. they both wrote some pretty cool things for me though. i have to print them off tomorrow. Did you know that along with sat fee waivers the guidance office has application fee waivers for universities? it's pretty awesome and the ones i want to apply to were almost all on there. HAHA... my brother is listening to bombtrack by rage against the machine and i had to tell him how we listened to it in AP. we listened to it after i had just written a paragraph for batchelor that i called rage against the machine too. funny how life works out sometimes.
is it so horrible that i've waited to take the sat? Kriegy frowned upon the 12 II kids for not taking it yet so i just kind of sat quietly in my chair. Ah well, it's not like i don't have time. speaking of though, i do need to finish registering for the sat.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hot Pink Emos

There are a lot of little emo freshmen running around and they're not even the dark emo, they're the odd hot pink emo where they wear outrageously colorful clothes with the studded belts and hair in one of their eyes. i don't mind the little emo children it's just there are so many of them they're not different anymore. Like i told someone the other day sometimes you have to be normal to be different. I've also been thinking about spanish. I'm not spanish, in fact i'm Irish and Scottish, yet i know how to speak some spanish and no gaelic. Why is that? I really want to learn gaelic but there's no one to teach me and the words are very hard for me because i've grown up in a black hole that's devoid of my own culture. I don't get that. Why do some families speak their native tongue generations after immigration and others change their names as soon as they hit ellis island? I don't know, but on to other subjects. i went to the guidance counselor's office and no one was there. it's never just one person that leaves an office it's the whole staff. I really need to pick up a fee waiver for the sat so i hope they're there soon.
there's an odd amount of peope that just come up and talk to me now. I got used to the deluge of greetings in the halls a long time ago but now it seems like everyone just comes up to me and tries to have an entire conversation. I don't even know most of the people and it kinda freaks me out. They're mostly freshmen too. Oh well, I suppose I'll go find something useful to do in the library now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Hate the SAT

Guess what I did yesterday kids? Well, I spent HOURS filling out the paper registration form for the SAT because the online registration paper I got from the counselor's office said I couldn't register online because I have not taken the SAT before. WRONG!!!!!! AHHH!!!!! I can register online even though i've never taken the SAT before and they even still have my info. from the PSAT. After that, at about ten I complete my research paper for calculus because like an idiot i thought it was due today. It wasn't even due until Friday and both Stephanie and I did it and turned it in early and had to scramble to finish our essays for Krieger during the time we work in the library. It's actually all pretty funny, even to me. Ah well, laugh at life it'll kill you in the end anyway blah, blah, blah. Well my clubs officially start this week (excluding band which is practically a 365 days a year thing) and i think i might go crazy. I have something to do everyday of the week and pretty much guaranteed homework. I love it. I know, but I told you I'd go crazy. I love everything i participate in and i like feeling I can conquer anything my advanced classes throw at me. It's pretty fun when I'm not passing out from exhaustion. Nah, I'm kidding I only pass out from heat exhaustion after band (Yeah, I'm still just kidding). Anyway speaking of band, I have to go get ready for practice.