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Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm sleepy

I just got back from band practice and I'm tired. I probably should have thought through my wardrobe today. Giant baggy jeans and a black tee aren't really the best to go to practice. Luckily i remember (at the last minute) to wear the right shoes though. I use though a lot and such as and after all. Kriegy if you're reading this please completely disregard this in reference to the papers i write for you in the future, cuz I'm probably not gonna stop. *sigh* I have to go write some music and do other stuff for college. I wish there was some sort of insta-composer, squirt some here and win an award tomorrow! I don't even know if i'll be able to do what i want, or even if I'll get into the school I want. Hmmm... Don't you dare tell anyone this but I don't think I like this year's freshmen as well as I did the other years'. They're too bossy and loud and they don't know what they're talking about and I wish I could tell them that but believe it or not I'm a nice person, at least in band (I give them candy, come on, i should win band leader of the year just for not yelling at them like a maniac). On a slightly related note NarutoChic (No names) is freaking me out a bit with her hate of Durbin. I mean she used to basically worship the man and now she doesn't like him because he gave her an eighty or something on a project when she was talking about how they're doing gender roles and she's talking about hermaphrodites. That IS going a bit off topic. I told her, there is a certain amount of conformity that comes with going to school, if only so you don't make other peoples' lives unbearable and chaotic. Like that crazy suicide paper we got for Pathway's DON'T SUBMIT THAT CRAP TO A SCHOOL MAGAZINE!!! That's just begging for someone to haul you away to the funny farm and for what, we can't put that in the magazine even if it was really good (though if effie and i had considered it good we would have snuck it in anyway). And they call us depressing (those with enough opinion to share it with the rest of the world in the newspaper) and aberrant (Norm Cooper), I wonder what they'd say if we let them have the unscreened version. At least we intersperse it with some happy stuff. *sigh* I should start writing for Pathways now but 'on't wannu, 'ON'T WANNU!!! I wonder if I submitted an original piece of music if we'd put it under art or prose, because it's pretty to look at and I had to write it. Ah well, food for thought.


Dakota Floyd said...

All of the seniors in band today were sleepy. Quite strange.

And yea, this year's band freshman, for the most part, are quite annoying. Especially that Jesse tuba kid and that one blonde flute girl. Christine or something?

Angela said...

Christy, but Heather Phillips bothers me most of the time because she yells at everyone and she's not that great at marching. I have no idea who the jesse kid is but i don't exactly get a lot of social time with brass, especially low brass.