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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello all

This week has been odd. It was a mixture of bad and good. My car became a parking lot statue for a while before my dad could come to replace the battery, I burned my finger pretty egregiously causing a lot of sub par flute and piano playing, I wrote a not so splendid paper, and I got two B's on my piano repertoire pieces. Still, I'd have to say the good stuff pulled this week into the "pretty decent" category. Perhaps that's my four hour nap talking. Still, I got caught up on my favorite author's blog, I learned an awesome insult from said blog (insipid, feckless, witfucked pog), I'm going to get to sleep in late on Friday because two of my classes were canceled, and I got a nice compliment today. I was waiting for a recital practice I didn't know had been canceled when one of my fellow music majors told me that I was her favorite performance at the last recital. Awesome. We talked for a while and I was telling her how I had only had one practice with the accompanist for the next recital and she said something to the effect of "Don't worry. You'll be really awesome and everyone (the other music majors) will hate you for it." Oddly enough, that warmed the cockles of my heart.

So, Aural Skills and Band might obliterate my good mood tomorrow, but for now I'm happy. At least, I was until I started thinking about the "talking to" my Aural skills and band teacher always gives us. I work really hard, and he makes me feel crummy. Blarg. I don't think he's really talking to me. Mostly I think this because the other day he said teaching me was one of the best things about him having taken the job at YHC. That's an awesome compliment. He also usually bothers me while I'm practicing to compliment my playing. It's a good bother, though slightly embarrassing. Okay, terribly embarrassing. I really have no idea how to take compliments well. I never feel like I especially deserve them.

Oh, anyway, I actually had a reason for this post. I was taking a "What's your inner animal?" quiz and found it oddly accurate. So here is my result.


Animal: Owl. Name: Kaira Personality: you’re not the prettiest person around but when people look at you they still go ‘wow.’ You look out for people from the outside. People some times don’t like being around for you can have a bit of ‘know-it-all’ attitude. You don’t really mind that they don’t hang around with you. You like to watch from the background and if something happen your there to help. Wish: Your wish is to one-day write your own book. You want people to see how smart you really are and for them to recognize your full potential as a person. Friends: You have a few good friends, and maybe one or two enemies. You don’t really meet people, so you don’t have much of a relationship with anyone. But that doesn’t stop you from caring for them and wanting to help if they get hurt. Color: You like forest colors, like green, brown and blue. Stone: Peridot. Hobbies: You should read, write or paint. Things that have to do with improving yourself. Maybe you should try training your strength, you focus a lot of energy on your mind, which is good, but you also need to work your physical strength. Quote: “Believe in the wonderful power that is the human mind.” –Quote that I read somewhere. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying even when there seemed to be no hope at all.” –Another quote I read somewhere. “I’d rather be a nerd then someone intellectually challenged.” –Quote by me.

Well, I should probably attempt to go to sleep. I have an Aural Skills test tomorrow and a computer quiz. I hate Aural skills tests, but oddly enough, I really love the computer quizzes. It's just vocabulary, and I have to type in the correct words for the definition. Still, it makes me feel all accomplished because I can study perfectly for this kind of quiz. Because of this, I get through the quiz at lightning speed, and I always make a 100%. It gives me a little lift for the rest of the day.

Before I go, if anyone wants to come see me perform, I have recital this Friday at 4 pm in the recital hall, a concert Saturday at 8 pm in the auditorium (I have a solo), and a full band concert November 18th at 8 pm.


P.S. You should all go read Patrick Rothfuss's blog "The Good Life." It is so awesome and true.

I'll leave you with my comment from Rothfuss's last blog. FYI, his book was just released in German.

"Along with winning over Germany, impressive, I wanted to let you know you're also slowly but surely winning over the small town of Blairsville, Georgia, admittedly slightly less impressive.

Still, you should know I am helping you to take over the world. To prove it, here is a copy of the email I just received from the librarian at my high school. (I volunteered there all through high school).


I hear you are an AP Scholar! Hooray for you. Also, I got a call from ____ at the Book Nook, and he told me about a new fantasy (The Name of the Wind) that was highly recommended by such people as Ursula Leguin, Terry Brooks, and Angela Harkins. I rushed right down and bought a copy and plan to read it over the break.

Hope you and Stephanie are doing great at YHC (my college)."

...I could have edited out the part about me being an AP scholar. But hey! I'm an AP scholar, and the only perk I get is being able to say that.

So, I shall shout it to the world as we conquer them!!!!!!!!


(awkward pause)

Well, alright then. Bye!"

1 comment:


Oh, yeah, congrats AP scholar. I meant to say that a loooong time ago, but life and such osrta got in the way. They actually even sent an email to the faculty telling us all you and Robert were our 07-08 AP scholars. Sweet!