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Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Break

So, though fall break is but two days and the weekend, I believe I will take a foray into the wild as I've been tempted to do since I began toddling about. There was always the appeal of it being some sort of Spartan rite of passage. Honestly though, it feels like we've all fallen into an invisible cage. Blarg, it's hard to describe. Sometimes, though, it feels as if all of the mythical races were really just humans once upon a time, and we've smooshed it all out of ourselves. Every fall, it seems as if I'm an elf or whatever again. I just want to take off into the woods and cause random mischief, never really allowing anyone to see me again... Who knows, maybe I could even write that epic quest novel I've been meaning to get to. Seriously though, I was unbearably close to leaving society this weekend. *Sigh* It's not like I don't have all of the supplies necessary.
1. Sword
2. Bow
3. Extreme whimsy and curiosity
4. Nagging since of a higher purpose/quest for a quest

If one day I'm not around anymore, don't panick; it just means I've finally found my way into tir na nog/Narnia/Alagaesia/Hogwarts/Arran/the-rest-of-the-extensive-list-of-imaginary-places-of-legend.

And so the quest of Angela began.

I can never do anything normal or easy, can I? I've already started breaking it to my family that I'm going to be a bard. For some reason, everyone's reaction is to offer another word for minstrel. My brother said bard and Stephanie said troubadour. Nope. Neither of those will do. A bard is more of a writer (shakespeare) and a troubadour is an actor. They are all similar, but minstrel suits me better... though tinker would also work, even if it doesn't have a definitive musical association.

Mayhap I'll go on grand adventures and be poor all the while, saving memory and money so that I may live richly when my youth fades. Whatever I do, I've known all along I couldn't live as others are wont to. I'm only truly happy when I do something amazingly abnormal.

Whatever I do, everything will be fine. Now I must go and plan the first of many adventures.

London's calling.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My YHC Computer Class

Woops! Turns out I have to create a new blog......... Anyway, here's the message anyway. If you want to go to my class blog, i have a link to it in my "Blogs i actually take the time to peruse" section.

Hey guys,

I know it's been a bit since I've written, but hey! Guess what! For extra credit in my computer class, I'm going to be posting on the blog every week. Pretty sweet when I get credit for a blog.

Anyway, not much else happening right now. My life is rife with homework, books, and movies. The library here has some really good movies that we can check out. Needless to say, Effie and I have already befriended the library ladies. We also integrated ourselves as the editors of the literary magazine... I wonder how that will go. We're still waiting to see if anyone else wants to join before we put up flyers for submissions. I should probably suggest flyers FOR getting people to join. Seriously...who is going to know about the literary magazine besides crazies like us?

Well, it's lunch time right now. I'm gonna go grab some food before I have to go practice my flute and piano and junk...
