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Sunday, July 13, 2008

YHC Class Registration

Well, it was a stressful ordeal, but I have completed registration for the fall semester classes. I came out of it with a hefty 20 semester hour load, but I plan on dropping at least one three hour class. I'm just waiting to see which one it will be. It will probably be Honors Music Appreciation because I don't need an appreciation class as I am a music major. I will have to do some sort of project or whatever to keep my honors status (and money). If I'm not able to drop music ap (though I don't foresee this happening) I don't have to take any comp class, but I'm going to anyway right now because I think they will be fun. You know, Young Harris might make me have to have ridiculous AP scores to get credit, but as I did get the scores, I can exempt comp. I, comp II, and calculus. I'm planning on taking the comp classes anyway though. I'm weird like that. I'm still teetering on taking classes I don't have to take, though. I like English, but I have to have a world literature anyway. So, if I don't need to take any comp's, should I? I don't know, I'll work it out later. If I do keep both of my honors classes, though, I'll just take my computer class some other semester.

So, besides the ridiculously stresful event of registering, I had a pretty good time. We played some games, watched Mean girls (which was weird because more guys showed up to watch it than girls), and had a rave in my residence hall. Even registering was kind of fun. I think impressed/frightened the teachers with my extreme organization and forethought. I had my schedule that I had planned out for weeks all typed up and it had all four semesters on it to make sure I could get all of the classes I needed. It looked pretty professional too, so the one teacher finally asked me if I had made it myself. haha! I even heard the teachers helping with registration congregate and talk about how organized I was and how I "looked towards the future." It's weird having someone talk about you when you can hear them. I also impressed mr. defoor with my speed in scheduling because it took me about two seconds to put in most of my classes because I had worked out what time of day they all were in so that there wouldn't be any conflicts. I did take a little while to iron out some kinks because 2 classes I wanted weren't available. So, I'm not taking a PE this semester, but defoor was helping me, and he called and had another time slot opened for music theory so I could get my speech class that was at the same time as the other music theory class.

Anyway, it was all very exciting and I think I've reached a whole new group of people who can be just as frightened and impressed by my odd scheduling insanity and O.C.D. *shakes fist* Now I just wish they would tell me what the sophomore honors classes are so I can know what to not take right now! I hope they're 2 sciences and another English!!! I've already bothered my mentor again, asking her what they are and what I have to do if I drop my honors music appreciation to keep my honors scholarship and status.

On another note, my brother is moving to Valdosta :( My nieces are staying up here with their mom, and we're planning on letting them visit my dorm when I move in. You know, inspire them to greatness and whatnot. Also, (If it's alright with you, Effie) we were thinking they might spend the night with me one weekend. I can't wait to move in!!! We're already bidding on some furniture at the project curbside the school does. It's where kids who graduate donate the furniture they don't want anymore and we bid in a silent auction fashion. All the proceeds go to charity and the stuff is really cheap. It's good all around. So far, we're bidding a not so pretty but very comfortable corner chair and a glass and bamboo coffee table. If we win, it will cost us a whopping eleven bucks. I still need to get the fridge and the air purifier though. blarg, expenses. OOOH!!! Effie and I have a chance to go to Greece during the spring semester with the honors program!!! That will be cool. I'm still saving first and foremost for the Ireland trip, though. I have my passport now, too.

Well, I've bored even myself at this point. So I'll just go now.


stephanie said...

i don't care if they come to spend the weekend or whatever at the dorm... you know, college should be fun, i think.


Yay for college! I hope all goes well. This was officially your last weekend before the new beginning. Keep me posted on everything. Oh, and thanks for the tip on the Onion movie; will get on that.

Sorry I've been so slack in commenting back to ya; this week was cray busy and I'm just now winding down and trying to get back on a semi-normal schedule. I'm spoiled from having WAAAAY too much fin this summer... :)