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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tales from Bookland

So, I just read a book called The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and It. Was. Awesome. Because of AP I can't enjoy bad writing like I used to. Thankfully, Rothfuss has made a wonderfully written book that happens to be a great fantasy as well. Krieger, you need to start teaching this in class. There hasn't been a single person I know of that has read this and disliked it. It has topped every book list out this year. These are the reasons I took a chance on it with my limited book funds when Jeff told me about it. I hope both Jeff and Rothfuss enjoy the free advertising I'm giving out to my less than sane crowd. Oh and if you have doubts as to whether or not you are a part of this crowd, if you are reading this then you are a part of the crazy.

Anyway, not so happily, my friend was kicked out of her mom's house without warning and whisked away to live with her dad. It looks as if she won't be coming to college with us at YHC, but we're fighting that desperately. I'm trying to convince her to get off the high horse and let us help her out. I guess like Rothfuss says though, "Pride is a funny thing especially when you have nothing else." Okay, so that's not a direct qoute, but it would have been had I not foisted the kickassery of NOTW upon Stephanie.

Sadly, the next book doesn't come out until next year T_T. It's not so bad, though, as it gives me time to replenish my book fund. That's right, I've spent all of my book money... again. I blame Andrea for this. I was supposed to meet her in town to give her the rest of the money she was to get from playing at the Blairsville Mountain arts thing and she couldn't get a hold of me to tell me when she was in town. Okay, you get better cell reception in Hell than you do at my house, that's why I asked her to give me a rough estimate so I could be in town when she called. So, she left town even though I got there early, and consequently, I had to wait at the booknook for three and a half hours. This isn't strictly Andrea's fault, but that doesn't change the weight of my wallet. I bought Drowned Wednesday, Peter and the Starcatchers, a Michelin map of Ireland, and ordered a 100th anniversary illustrated edition of Peter Pan. Not to mention the copy of Breaking Dawn that I've been on the list for forever. Them's the breaks.

Speaking of slang. Stephanie has never heard "foot the bill." I thought that was weird. Another of my friends has heard it but has no idea what it means. So, I'm going to make a poll to see how many people actually knows what it means. In other words, don't spoil it by blabbing the meaning in a comment to me. Thank you.

Well, I'm off to make my little quiz...

Okay, after making the quiz I realized how different people's thinking patterns can be. My brother could just not comprehend how to help me make a wrong answer for that question which was still plausible. Thanks again AP teachers. I think I'm just now realizing the value of actually teaching us how to think as opposed to shoving meaningless work at us. For example, I may not remember the first fundamental theorem of calculus, but I'm never going to forget how to slog through something as horrible and long as an AP calculus exam. Blargh, on second though, maybe you guys should thank us for not barfing all over you after those beastly exams. Just kidding. Well, I'm really off now.


Dakota Floyd said...

Sounds like an interesting book.

And yea, that place near the movie theater is now a furniture store. And it has a big sign that says "YOUR HERE!" which makes me want to kill someone.

stephanie said...

"that's the most boring thing i ever heard...please don't turn your writing skills..."
huh? what are you talking about?