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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Full moon, Full moon, Iiiit's a full moon!!!

The Scottish Festival was very eventful. I am officially a member of clan Douglas, Woooooh! So, this is how it went down. We (Stephanie, Liz, and I) went back to the Douglas Clan tent because that's the clan I'm a sept of. Anyway, we were there earlier that day, but when we went back there was a lady there partaking of the good stuff that the clans keep "hidden" in the back. That's right, it was alcohol. Seeing as our clan is awesome, it was even whiskey. So, the man running the tent asked if I was ready to pay my dues yet to become part of the clan. Truthfully, all the money I have is going to the Ireland trip fund except for what I need for books and then piffle stuff like food and souveneirs. I tell him as much. So, the lady asks what I would get for joining and he explains all about the games that go on around the world and how I could run a tent, wear tartans, hang out at the clan tents and get free food and shade and such, thus the lady offers to pay the fee for me!!!! Woo! go Liquor and sheer luck!!!

We also were unofficially adopted by clan cameron for no official reason and were pulled into the professional Scottish dancing. So Fun!!! the night before, however, we started some very wild, tiring, and fun dancing at the Hunting MacLeod concert. I still hurt all over from it, but It. Was. Totally. Worth. It.

Ooh, I also climbed the little waterfall at helton creek falls. Yeah, after all of that without getting hurt, I slip trying to wash my flip flops off in the water. *shakes fist* stupid flip flops.

I'm looking forward to college. At first it seemed overwhelming in the context of graduation and all the other crap that was going on. Now, though, it seems like a great oppurtunity to strike out on my own. Speaking of, Steph, looks like we need to request to room together now that it looks like Liz is either going to Reinhardt or we're going to have her as a guest on weekdays. We need to email Sharon Huffman who I believe is the one that takes care of housing. So, I'm gonna go send her my email. Let me know when you send yours.

Later, all.