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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So, this is 18, eh?

So, I'm 18.......yeah. It's not terribly different. I mean, I could go buy cigarettes (digusting), register to vote (ridiculously small amount of time to go do so considering the elections aren't even until nov.), or get a tattoo ($13 as Dakota points out but, sadly, forbidden by my mom). I went to go get a passport yesterday, but I had to have my certified birth certificate which my family was supposed to get forever ago. I thought my dad had gotten it recently, but I don't know. It's not really that hard to get, though. I can just go to the probate court which is just up the stairs from where I have to get my passport. It will cost me another $10, however, those sheisters. They're really sticking it to me with all this nickel and dime stuff. I JUST WANT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY!!!!! I think everyone should focus less on the illegal immigration issue and look into this. Seriously, I think people would be less pissed about people coming into the country if it were easier to leave.

*sigh* I'm not looking forward to airport security. I think I might enter a drawing for a free flight. It covers one $1,000 roundtrip ticket or 2 $500 roundtrip tickets. It's cutting it close, though, because i have to have completed the trip by 6/30/09. I'll probably end up using all my points on the $100 drawing. I have a better chance at it.

I miss Liz. She hasn't texted back yet.

I put in an application at the dollar store. It seems like it would be an okay job. It definitely has to be better than my last "official" job at McDonald's. I hate looking for jobs sometimes because, after you take all of the time to fill out an application, that's when you know they're not going to hire you. Oh, it's not because they tell me that or anything, no, that would be preferable. It's kind of like being blown off very badly on a date. For example, I went to apply at Grinds and Glazes last year.
Cashier: "We're out forms, but you can write everything down on this order ticket."
Me: yeah, I'm sure that's the first place the manager will look for new employees especially since enough people have applied to make you run out of forms. "Thank you." *fills out ridiculous form without hopes of job*

Sadly, that is not the worst one. I applied at Muffy's Mountain burgers once. There was no application, some lady just asked questions and wrote it down.
Waitress: "Name?"
me: "Angela Harkins"
Waitress: "Age?"
me: "Whatever age I was at the time."
Waitress: "What are you applying to be?"
me: "A waitress."
Waitress: "OKay, that's all I need."
Me: "O.o ?!?!?!?! You don't need my phone number?"
Waitress: "OH. Yeah."

Looking back, I'm pretty sure I just got the shaft from someone who didn't want me to work there for some reason (didn't want to lose her job because she was clearly an ass? saving a job for someone else, also an ass?) or maybe she just didn't have the testicular fortitude to tell me I was too young. Nope, she just wasted a colossal amount of my time.

Anyway, the rendezvous in a dark alley with my memories wasn't really so I could get that punch in the face that I've been missing. I was just kind of pointing out that when I turned in my application it did not seem favorable. I really just gave it to the cashier to turn into the manager. It always goes better if you see the manager yourself. Oh well.

As much as I don't want to work my ass off for the summer, I need a job. If things go as I want them to, I'll have to pay for the remainder of a friend's college tuition. Not to mention that I'm still saving for Ireland because I've learned I can't really count on anyone else over an extended period of time. Yeah, that sucks, but I haven't let it jade me. I understand what they're using the money for. They're in complete denial to the fact that they won't be able to help me out, though. Whatever, the less I have to count on someone else who is unlikely to help, the better.

On the bright side, I just made some of the best (and spiciest) eggs ever. Mmmmmmmmm..........jalapeno eggs! Well, I'm off to eat said delicious concoction.



stephanie said...

yeah, 18 is weird...but i don't feel 18...maybe it's because i have never bought a lottery ticket, don't EVER plan on buying cigarettes, and didn't race off to get a tattoo...hmmm...


I'm ready to go to Ireland. Now.

And I now have 4 tattoos. They're addictive. :D