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Tuesday, October 2, 2007


WHEE!!! I love Halloween. It has got to be the coolest holiday ever. You get to dress up and people give you free candy not to mention it's the Wiccan new year. hmm... i have to find my wheel of the year again. Effie, I don't know what to do, I want to put out the Samhain mat thing your mom made me but it's so awesome I don't want to put it on the ground. I'm thinking about attaching it to the outside of my door somehow. I need a nap. I really miss nap time, I wish we lived in Spain or something where they all have siestas no matter how old they are. BUAHAHA, i made an eight on one of my extended paragraphs and a 6/7 on the other, that was awesome. I had to spend more time than normal on them though and didn't have time to finish the last one. Good news, I've already finished my homework, that's a first.Haha, I'm watching cops get shot in the back with tasers on t.v. in an effort to reduce both taser use and lethal weapons. OMG, the reporter volunteered to get shot with the taser as well. WTF, there's a public school representative for dekalb county schools that's pulling for single gender schools, yeah I'm sure that whole "separate but equal" thing will work out better this time. Ooh, another story. "A chocolate lover's nightmare" a chocolate transport truck overturned and held up traffic for a while. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? That should be every chocolate lover's dream, free chocolate, 40,000 lbs. to be exact. aw darn, no chocolate was spilled, never mind. What ami doing? I'm gonna go watch avatar or heroes or something, no more news. fire(just a little one) from fireworks...


stephanie said...

i love Halloween as well. And don't worry about the mat thing; she can always make another if you really want. i, too, wish we lived in Spain. but did you know that Spain is thinking about getting rid of their siestas? yes, apparently the US is messing with them (with our no nap thing) and they aren't getting as much work done as the US and other countries (all of which have no siestas...). and mmmmmm chocolate....

Angela said...

yeah, I knew about them getting rid of siestas but it hasn't happened yet so GO NAPS!!!