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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The prettiest eyes ever

My youngest niece, Zoe, is here and she has the prettiest blue eyes ever. They're barely even blue in the center, it's like they're white. I have tonight basically free, except for homework, so I think I'll hang out with her, read some more, and watch a much deserved movie. My mom and I rented Thank You For Smoking and I want to watch it again before I have to take it back. Gosh I'm tired. My little green notebook is really very invaluable to me. I've already forgotten what I'm supposed to do tonight. It doesn't really matter though, I usually end up doing most of it at school...the next day. Ooh, today during my third block, when i peer facilitate in the library, I was rebarcoding movies and Romeo and Juliet the 1968 version was missing! I'm so mad. I can't find that version anywhere and suddenly I find the barcode for it and get all excited and IT'S NOT THERE!!!!! GARRRR!!!!!... I'll see if Krieger will just let me borrow her's, oh yeah I need to give Black Adder back to her. Well I'll go put it in my backpack before I forget.



Awww...thanks for all the nice comments about me in your profile. I love being referred to as "one of the crazies." Very fitting... :o

Dakota Floyd said...

Yea, I'll for sure let you know! I don't have any planned at the moment, but I'll for sure let you know when they are. I know I'm having a bigger one sometime in October that should be fun. No exact date yet, though.

Dakota Floyd said...

Oh, and PS -- If all goes according to plan, The "BATCHELOR SUCKS" shirts will be free for everyone in Krieger's class. Wooo!

stephanie said...

your nieve has THE prettiest eyes ever, as i've said before...and she's so cute!