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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Full moon, Full moon, Iiiit's a full moon!!!

The Scottish Festival was very eventful. I am officially a member of clan Douglas, Woooooh! So, this is how it went down. We (Stephanie, Liz, and I) went back to the Douglas Clan tent because that's the clan I'm a sept of. Anyway, we were there earlier that day, but when we went back there was a lady there partaking of the good stuff that the clans keep "hidden" in the back. That's right, it was alcohol. Seeing as our clan is awesome, it was even whiskey. So, the man running the tent asked if I was ready to pay my dues yet to become part of the clan. Truthfully, all the money I have is going to the Ireland trip fund except for what I need for books and then piffle stuff like food and souveneirs. I tell him as much. So, the lady asks what I would get for joining and he explains all about the games that go on around the world and how I could run a tent, wear tartans, hang out at the clan tents and get free food and shade and such, thus the lady offers to pay the fee for me!!!! Woo! go Liquor and sheer luck!!!

We also were unofficially adopted by clan cameron for no official reason and were pulled into the professional Scottish dancing. So Fun!!! the night before, however, we started some very wild, tiring, and fun dancing at the Hunting MacLeod concert. I still hurt all over from it, but It. Was. Totally. Worth. It.

Ooh, I also climbed the little waterfall at helton creek falls. Yeah, after all of that without getting hurt, I slip trying to wash my flip flops off in the water. *shakes fist* stupid flip flops.

I'm looking forward to college. At first it seemed overwhelming in the context of graduation and all the other crap that was going on. Now, though, it seems like a great oppurtunity to strike out on my own. Speaking of, Steph, looks like we need to request to room together now that it looks like Liz is either going to Reinhardt or we're going to have her as a guest on weekdays. We need to email Sharon Huffman who I believe is the one that takes care of housing. So, I'm gonna go send her my email. Let me know when you send yours.

Later, all.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Why does a firefly burn so brightly in the deepest gloom? Out of Love? Hunger? Fear? No, these are effects and not causes. Only Loneliness and Hope could lead the firefly on a fool mission to light the world. So, the firefly shines in the night when Loneliness leads to Love, secretly sending out a message for the world to see: I am alone, but I am here. For a speck of time, he is not Solitary as he winks in a field of shining eyes, all weeping the same song. But what of Hunger, as it lights a cold fire in the shadows? Both speak the same words, though one savors more bitter on the tongue. Yet, the lock inside cannot be opened as each key tried scrapes long gouges on steel it was not meant to fit. Fear leads to Hunger, Hunger to Fear. Thus, the glow worm goes a glowing, warning of the toxicity inside. The blind jester Hope leads on, twirling, spinning, screaming, never looking at the ground or sky, alight with fireflies.

So burn, burn, unto the night,
As scared souls go searching.
Cold fire lighting up our eyes
as they stick in the sky: a warning.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So, this is 18, eh?

So, I'm 18.......yeah. It's not terribly different. I mean, I could go buy cigarettes (digusting), register to vote (ridiculously small amount of time to go do so considering the elections aren't even until nov.), or get a tattoo ($13 as Dakota points out but, sadly, forbidden by my mom). I went to go get a passport yesterday, but I had to have my certified birth certificate which my family was supposed to get forever ago. I thought my dad had gotten it recently, but I don't know. It's not really that hard to get, though. I can just go to the probate court which is just up the stairs from where I have to get my passport. It will cost me another $10, however, those sheisters. They're really sticking it to me with all this nickel and dime stuff. I JUST WANT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY!!!!! I think everyone should focus less on the illegal immigration issue and look into this. Seriously, I think people would be less pissed about people coming into the country if it were easier to leave.

*sigh* I'm not looking forward to airport security. I think I might enter a drawing for a free flight. It covers one $1,000 roundtrip ticket or 2 $500 roundtrip tickets. It's cutting it close, though, because i have to have completed the trip by 6/30/09. I'll probably end up using all my points on the $100 drawing. I have a better chance at it.

I miss Liz. She hasn't texted back yet.

I put in an application at the dollar store. It seems like it would be an okay job. It definitely has to be better than my last "official" job at McDonald's. I hate looking for jobs sometimes because, after you take all of the time to fill out an application, that's when you know they're not going to hire you. Oh, it's not because they tell me that or anything, no, that would be preferable. It's kind of like being blown off very badly on a date. For example, I went to apply at Grinds and Glazes last year.
Cashier: "We're out forms, but you can write everything down on this order ticket."
Me: yeah, I'm sure that's the first place the manager will look for new employees especially since enough people have applied to make you run out of forms. "Thank you." *fills out ridiculous form without hopes of job*

Sadly, that is not the worst one. I applied at Muffy's Mountain burgers once. There was no application, some lady just asked questions and wrote it down.
Waitress: "Name?"
me: "Angela Harkins"
Waitress: "Age?"
me: "Whatever age I was at the time."
Waitress: "What are you applying to be?"
me: "A waitress."
Waitress: "OKay, that's all I need."
Me: "O.o ?!?!?!?! You don't need my phone number?"
Waitress: "OH. Yeah."

Looking back, I'm pretty sure I just got the shaft from someone who didn't want me to work there for some reason (didn't want to lose her job because she was clearly an ass? saving a job for someone else, also an ass?) or maybe she just didn't have the testicular fortitude to tell me I was too young. Nope, she just wasted a colossal amount of my time.

Anyway, the rendezvous in a dark alley with my memories wasn't really so I could get that punch in the face that I've been missing. I was just kind of pointing out that when I turned in my application it did not seem favorable. I really just gave it to the cashier to turn into the manager. It always goes better if you see the manager yourself. Oh well.

As much as I don't want to work my ass off for the summer, I need a job. If things go as I want them to, I'll have to pay for the remainder of a friend's college tuition. Not to mention that I'm still saving for Ireland because I've learned I can't really count on anyone else over an extended period of time. Yeah, that sucks, but I haven't let it jade me. I understand what they're using the money for. They're in complete denial to the fact that they won't be able to help me out, though. Whatever, the less I have to count on someone else who is unlikely to help, the better.

On the bright side, I just made some of the best (and spiciest) eggs ever. Mmmmmmmmm..........jalapeno eggs! Well, I'm off to eat said delicious concoction.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tales from Bookland

So, I just read a book called The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and It. Was. Awesome. Because of AP I can't enjoy bad writing like I used to. Thankfully, Rothfuss has made a wonderfully written book that happens to be a great fantasy as well. Krieger, you need to start teaching this in class. There hasn't been a single person I know of that has read this and disliked it. It has topped every book list out this year. These are the reasons I took a chance on it with my limited book funds when Jeff told me about it. I hope both Jeff and Rothfuss enjoy the free advertising I'm giving out to my less than sane crowd. Oh and if you have doubts as to whether or not you are a part of this crowd, if you are reading this then you are a part of the crazy.

Anyway, not so happily, my friend was kicked out of her mom's house without warning and whisked away to live with her dad. It looks as if she won't be coming to college with us at YHC, but we're fighting that desperately. I'm trying to convince her to get off the high horse and let us help her out. I guess like Rothfuss says though, "Pride is a funny thing especially when you have nothing else." Okay, so that's not a direct qoute, but it would have been had I not foisted the kickassery of NOTW upon Stephanie.

Sadly, the next book doesn't come out until next year T_T. It's not so bad, though, as it gives me time to replenish my book fund. That's right, I've spent all of my book money... again. I blame Andrea for this. I was supposed to meet her in town to give her the rest of the money she was to get from playing at the Blairsville Mountain arts thing and she couldn't get a hold of me to tell me when she was in town. Okay, you get better cell reception in Hell than you do at my house, that's why I asked her to give me a rough estimate so I could be in town when she called. So, she left town even though I got there early, and consequently, I had to wait at the booknook for three and a half hours. This isn't strictly Andrea's fault, but that doesn't change the weight of my wallet. I bought Drowned Wednesday, Peter and the Starcatchers, a Michelin map of Ireland, and ordered a 100th anniversary illustrated edition of Peter Pan. Not to mention the copy of Breaking Dawn that I've been on the list for forever. Them's the breaks.

Speaking of slang. Stephanie has never heard "foot the bill." I thought that was weird. Another of my friends has heard it but has no idea what it means. So, I'm going to make a poll to see how many people actually knows what it means. In other words, don't spoil it by blabbing the meaning in a comment to me. Thank you.

Well, I'm off to make my little quiz...

Okay, after making the quiz I realized how different people's thinking patterns can be. My brother could just not comprehend how to help me make a wrong answer for that question which was still plausible. Thanks again AP teachers. I think I'm just now realizing the value of actually teaching us how to think as opposed to shoving meaningless work at us. For example, I may not remember the first fundamental theorem of calculus, but I'm never going to forget how to slog through something as horrible and long as an AP calculus exam. Blargh, on second though, maybe you guys should thank us for not barfing all over you after those beastly exams. Just kidding. Well, I'm really off now.