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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let's get ready to ruuuummmmmmmbbbbbbblllllllleeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I'm watching the condemned. We rented movies and I randomly saw Billy again at movie gallery. It's weird because I want to talk to him and be all buddy buddy again, but it's been a long time since we were best friends. Anyway, sometimes I wish the world were more like the condemned so I could just go ape shit on people every now and then. No particular reason, but it sounds good so I think I'll put that in my saludatory address...yeah, right......anyway, I've been thinking about the speech I have to right, and I've thought of a quote I want to use. It's not from a well known series or anything, but it's fitting. I have no idea what the guidelines for this are or when I need to write it. I know Jasmine was at school last year to write hers so I haven't really started anything.

Well, I'm gonna go finish my movie.

Oh yeah, P.S., I finished my window box. I put in jalapenos, moss rose, thyme, parsley (i think), cucumber, and sweet pea. It looks freaking awesome with my flying aloe vera. My poor aloe. It's still suffering from frostbite from when SOMEONE in my family left it OUTSIDE when it got extremely cold. I got so pissed. I found it outside when I was leaving for one of my AP tests and I had to take it inside and pour some warm-ish water on it. I got to the test a little later than I wanted. I thought about leaving it outside as it had already been damaged, but it made me feel horrible trying to walk by it. Plus, I would have thought about it all through my test neway. In conclusion, my flower box is awesome.


Dakota Floyd said...

Billy used to be my best friend too. It's kind of tough getting back into things with people? Sad, but it happens I guess?

Oh life.

Dakota Floyd said...

Oh, and hey, did you Honors Night invite ever make it?

Dakota Floyd said...

by you, I not-so-secretly mean your.

Dakota Floyd said...

Same story here. See you later!