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Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!!!........urgh, graduate

So, tomorrow's the day of the party for 2,000 of our closest friends and family (aka graduation) and I'm tripping harder than a granny meeting a snow cone at the top of the stairs. Graduation is one of those things that everyone likes to look back on, but the trick is surviving it in the first place. Anyway, I don't have to play for the procession anymore, but I still have to give my saludatorian speech. Shh, though, it's "top secret." I'm not supposed to let anyone near it except for batchelor. I wouldn't be surprised if they set up a self destruct button while I wasn't looking so it will explode if someone other than me or batchelor touches it.

Well, I've been doing random crap to distract myself. First, I looked up celtic tattoos to see what I want to get when we go to Ireland. So far, I like the double dragon tattoo on Krieger's celtic tattoo site, but not really anything else.

I have a year to decide. Guess what else I have a year to do. Learn Gaelic! I'm just learning a few phrases and it's very hard trying to get the right pronunciation. I finally learned how to say Caed Mile Failte, though.

AHH!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!!!!!! I'm gonna go find some other way to distract myself. Maybe a book or my plants or random violence, something of that nature. Plus, I have to practice my speech at some point. Now would be a great time for a chasm to open up and swallow me for a day or so.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let's get ready to ruuuummmmmmmbbbbbbblllllllleeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I'm watching the condemned. We rented movies and I randomly saw Billy again at movie gallery. It's weird because I want to talk to him and be all buddy buddy again, but it's been a long time since we were best friends. Anyway, sometimes I wish the world were more like the condemned so I could just go ape shit on people every now and then. No particular reason, but it sounds good so I think I'll put that in my saludatory address...yeah, right......anyway, I've been thinking about the speech I have to right, and I've thought of a quote I want to use. It's not from a well known series or anything, but it's fitting. I have no idea what the guidelines for this are or when I need to write it. I know Jasmine was at school last year to write hers so I haven't really started anything.

Well, I'm gonna go finish my movie.

Oh yeah, P.S., I finished my window box. I put in jalapenos, moss rose, thyme, parsley (i think), cucumber, and sweet pea. It looks freaking awesome with my flying aloe vera. My poor aloe. It's still suffering from frostbite from when SOMEONE in my family left it OUTSIDE when it got extremely cold. I got so pissed. I found it outside when I was leaving for one of my AP tests and I had to take it inside and pour some warm-ish water on it. I got to the test a little later than I wanted. I thought about leaving it outside as it had already been damaged, but it made me feel horrible trying to walk by it. Plus, I would have thought about it all through my test neway. In conclusion, my flower box is awesome.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Y soy rebelde cuando no sigo a los demas...

I'm confident that song will haunt me for the rest of my days. I was with Stephanie in Spanish yesterday for buy a Beta day and they watched the spanish teen soap opera Rebelde. That's where the song comes from. So, I have made it my personal mission to annoy the crap out of Effie for the rest of eternity for subjecting me to that mind controlling song. So now I'm just going to randomly burst into song right in the middle of senten......

Y soy rebelde
cuando no sigo a los demas
y soy rebelde
cuando te quiero hasta rabiar
y soy rebelde
cuando no pienso igual que ayer
y soy rebelde
cuando me juego hasta la piel
si soy rebelde
es que quizas nadie me conoce bien.


The rest of my week was also mind bottlingly insane. (Mind bottling? Yeah, when you're so confused it's like your mind is in a bottle.- Blades o' Glory). The Wednesday Calculus test was the most mentally exhausting thing I have ever done. It felt like I was drunk after we finished so I went home but still had to come back to practice with the seventh grade band. Thursday, though, was jam packed with it's only delicious jelly center of "let's try and kill angela with exhaustion."

What's the recipe for this delicious confection you ask?
1. add AP English Literature test to Angela batter and beat thoroughly
2. pour Angela into STAR student lunch
3. put Angela back into oven (AKA school) for 2 hours to teach seventh grade music to other high school flutes
4. Surprise! serve up Angela cake with jelly filling for her Mom's birthday.
5. Wrap left overs in band dress and add a flute and piccolo and it's perfect for a band concert!!! no mess!!

Yeah, I saw that day coming a month off as my little calendar ran out of room for that day. Ah well, I saw my best friend from fifth grade again at the concert! I haven't seen Billy since he moved away in Middle School and I barely saw him then because our schedules were so different. Apparently hardly anybody else recognized him. I so IMMEDIATELY knew who it was. He's changed but not enough to make him unrecognizable. So after the concert a big group of us circled up in the parking lot and almost turned into band pancakes because of all the cars going in and out. It was soooooooo funny though when Billy went to leave. He whipped his car around, squealing tires, to get out and a cop car was right there. So, the cop turns on his lights and Billy gets out of the car with his hands in a gesture that says totally not my fault and tells the cop "Total accident." It was definitely not an accident but the cop let him go and thus the story is funny. Even funnier because my friends and I had JUST gotten out of the car.

I woke up at seven this morning. That sucked. I had planned to sleep in for aforementioned reasons. It's funny, everybody at school keeps asking "Angela, are you alright?" Not really. I'm dead tired from all the crap I had to do but I will be fine so don't worry about it because you can't do anything anyway. That's what I want to say but I'm too tired so it's either "yeah" or I flutter my hand at them to make them leave me alone.
I think if my family doesn't want to go this weekend I'm going to go to Gainesville on my own to check out my sexy beast of a flute that I want to buy.
It kind of stings that the only award I got at the concert was a senior plaque. Hopefully, I got some sort of band scholarship thing that they give out at honor's night. So, I'll be completely and utterly happy if I get one of those. I got my financial aid summary from YHC the other day and I only have a couple hundred over what I need to go to school there and $3,500 of that is the Stafford Loan that I will have to pay back. I would really rather not take out student loans so hopefully some of these scholarships I applied to will come through (unlikely) or I'll get some money at honors night (fingers crossed). If not, I still have all summer to get money and apply for more scholarships.
Speaking of getting money, I'm playing the Blairsville Arts Festival on the square May 31st and June 1st. Come check it out....and feel free to leave tips cuz i have to pay the other flutes playing with me out of the tips! Also, look out for a little article or ad or whatever in the paper about yours truly and her availability for events as a flautist. Jan is so awesome. She's doing the ad for free because I'm helping her out with the Festival for cheap. KARMA FREAKING ROCKS!!!!

Blargh. I have to come up with some money for my 18th birthday trip to Savannah. Whatever. Life calls me so I must go do stuff for my Mom's birthday party.

Y soy rebelde
cuando no sigo a los demas
y soy rebelde
cuando te quiero hasta rabiar
y soy rebelde
cuando no pienso igual que ayer
y soy rebelde
cuando me juego hasta la piel
si soy rebelde
es que quizas nadie me conoce bien.

hasta luego.