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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Political Controversy

I received an email from someone who will remain anonymous. Anyway, here is the email along with my response.

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 01:40:36 -0500

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and
Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama’s parents met at the University of Hawaii.

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia.

When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama
takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.'

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was
temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returnedto Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro,
the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL
teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad> against the western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in
an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge Allegiance of the Flag. Nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts,
Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out - what better
way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?......

Here's my response...

Did you bother to check this? I did. Barack Obama's parent's separated when he was two. He saw his father only one time after that. When he moved to Indonesia with his mom and step dad he went to the Basuki school that was originally created for dutch noblemen. A person from the Clinton candidacy leaked this, calling it a 'radical muslim school.' Obama moved back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents in the fifth grade. Are you trying to tell me that a master plan was conceived before then (when he was betaween the ages of 6 and 10) in which Obama was to become the president of the United States and take over the world in the name of radical Islam? Also, even if he continued to be muslim, instead of having converted to Christianity as he did, I would refuse to be a part of such hatemongering. It is closed minded typecasting like that which creates the arbitrary hatred on both sides, leading to truly disturbing displays of hatred. Are we to become a nation against Muslims instead of for equality?

Also, here is a video of Barack Obama leading the Pledge of Allegiance.

I'm neither for nor against Mr. Obama. I am simply against being an uninformed follower. To try and get both sides of the story, I attempted to also find a film of Obama refusing to recite the pledge. I found no such thing. The closest I got was titled "Obama objects to pledge for religious reasons." However, this was misleading as it was a video of him standing attentively, without his hand over his heart, during the national anthem, not the pledge of allegiance.


stephanie said...

political campaigns are quite absurd. and this year has launched it into the ridiculous. there are so many candidates this year, i have no idea who to vote for. and furthermore, none of the candidates appeal to me. i mean, a few have a couple of things here and there that i agree with, but really, i can't see any of them in the oval office. what is it about politics these days that makes everything seem so hopeless. it's almost as if the government dreamed up so long ago has reached its limitations. sort of like when a population goes over its maximum for how many people the land can support or know? like, the government worked when there were only thirteen or so states. but now? there's so much bureaucracy that hardly anything gets done, at least hardly anything beneficial. sooner or later, the government's going to begin to fail under its own weight (and that of the heads and egos of the politicians). ah, but this was about Obama, wasn't it? well, i think he's a decent enough fellow. and, like you said angela, i'm sure that a six to ten-year-old is really going to come up with a plot to take over the U.S. yeah...i can see it now...a little boy stands up and shakes his tiny fist at the sky "forty or so years from now, i'm going to run for the presidency of the United States...and then, WORLD DOMINATION!" oh yeah. absolutely. give me a break. if there's even a remote chance that some kid would actually plan such a thing out, do you actually think he'd have the time and patience for it? i mean, unless he was extremely bitter towards the united states and dedicated his whole life for a personal vendetta, i doubt someone would wait forty years to act upon such a wonderfully mastermind plan. especially if it was thought up by a child. it just goes to show that people are stupid when they're desperate to make a name for themselves.

Dakota Floyd said...

Too lazy to read the whole email, but yea...people need to do some research before sending out a bunch of crap. And this reminded me that I totally forgot to register to vote! Yargh.

Oh, and no rush with the book. Just whenever.