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Sunday, March 15, 2009

PLATFORM 9 & 3/4!!!!!!!!!

Alright, sorry it took this long, creatures. My computer battery died when I first tried to post this. Hopefully I'll have time to get this up before I have to leave to go to the London Dungeon.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Went to see Wicked last night. it was the best show I've ever seen. I'm totally carrying a flame for Fierro (sp?) now. The British actor who played him was very, very fine. I Watched the Lion king the day before that and it was also completely awesome. It was my favorite disney movie as a kid.

We went to the GLOBE!!! yesterday. I love that place. I very seriously considered hiding out there so I could stay for the rest of time. Actors were onstage practicing for Romeo & Juliet. It was so funny when they opened the stage doors because you could tell they hadn't expected us to be there. They had to do some crazy yoga stuff and then learn the dance in the opening scene. It was very good practice for them. After the tour with our awesome and pregnant guide, we went to the gift shop and I bought a feather quill, gold ink, and buttons with quotes from Shakespeare's plays including butnot limited to a pretty piece of flesh. (If you grammar nazi me for that sentence *shakes fist*). My friends and I then broke off from the group to go to cafe in the crypt where we had lunch and I bought a cool dragon shirt. then we went to drury lane (*singing* do you know the muffin man, the muffin man?) to wait for our next theatre tour. A couple guys freaked us out asking for money so we went in the theatre a half hour early. The guides there were crazy and kept switching out to go put on funny costumes and pretend to be someone else. The theatre is supposed to be haunted, but I told the guide we were unlikely to be scared because we lived in a college that was haunted by about fifty different ghosts. Rehearsals for Oliver were going on. so, we peeked in on them.
We went to the flea market and back to the hotel for a nap before dinner. We were a bit late for the time we were going to go to dinner, but we still left in plenty of time to make it to Wicked.

And now we've come full circle.

I haven't put up any pics yet. Sorry!

Later luvs.

to KC: I'm only here for spring break.

to Effie: I haven't gotten a hang over *glare* in fact, the pina colada after I got off the flight helped clear the headache I had from the stupid flight.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

London Calling!

Hey people and creatures,

I am now in london. Want to know what four hours ahead of your time is like? Well, it doesn't know either. It rains a little bit off and on. BUT THERE ARE TONS OF PIGEONS! I suspect there will a reenactment of Alfred Hitchcock's Birds at any moment. Though, admittedly, Londoners seem well equipped to deal with them. All of their houses are outfitted with hundreds of little barbs to keep birds from roosting on ledges and roofs.

The flight was as good as could be expected. Sitting for 7 hours should be a competitive sport of some kind.

Alcohol just isn't my bag. White Wine: Awful. Guinness: Awful. Pina Colada: Passable. I think I'll just save my money for cool stuff like foreign trinkets.

I have some pictures, but I haven't uploaded them yet.

Next time, all!