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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Books, Books, Glorious Books!

Yay! This STAR student thing is paying off in unexpected ways. So far I have gotten two books, a check for fifty dollars, and a booknook gift certificate for fifty dollars (which I spent the day after I found out about it and would have done so sooner if the booknook had been open when I found out about it). What's weird about the check and booknook certificate is that I got them from relatives who have never in my entire life bought me a birthday present or acknowledged my birthday in any way. I was randomly talking to Robert about it at the math competition, and I think he summed it up best (with heavy sarcasm of course). "They're really celebrating the important stuff, huh? Who cares about the day you were born?" or something to that effect. Anyway, like I told Stephanie, if I had actually known I'd get all these goodies I may have used those SAT study tapes I checked out from the library...I need to return those...I've had them since around November. That's sad, really, seeing as I work in the library and all. I really don't want to try and haul anything else around.
Math competition you say?! Why yes, I did just go to one. We got second place (woohoo!) in a spring break safety competition they held during lunch (not so woohoo! :( ). We got nothing in the actual math competition. Consolation prizes=single red tshirt won by second place in lunchtime quiz and random baggies of spring break goodies (which included chapstick, sunscreen, pamphlets, and condoms). We all thought the condoms were the prizes for the quiz thing so that's why we played the game at all. Oh, but let me tell you about the team that won the math competition, as in complete decimation of all other teams. Yep, they were entirely asian. Not just asian-american, I mean citizens of Korea and Vietnam. They didn't understand why our team was giggling and clapping when they went up to get their medals.
Another random fact, I scored highest in union county on the quiz we all had to take, though still nowhere near the asian scores...ah well, I must comfort myself with the fact that I'm racially inclined to trounce them all in drinking.
I bought two new books with my giftcertificate and I ordered four more (still have $4 left too!). I read Speak again today. I think I shall go read some more, I've exhausted my prom fantasyland adventure. Seriously, I don't think I get into it as much as some people. All I've done is find an outfit and look at some masks and accesories. Other people constantly fill AP Calculus with chatter about renting cabins and splitting limo costs and junk...really, ole B-ville's just not cool enough for that. Don't get me wrong, I love Blairsvegas, but there's just something about trying to over do it in a small town that sits with me like month old cottage cheese.
I guess this is why I'm social leper numero uno...ah well, it's not so bad, maybe I'll get a vacation to Hawaii just like in that Simpsons episode. Plus, when people don't expect you to have social skills you can just drift off in the middle of a...