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Saturday, November 24, 2007

No one is normal. Come on, who has 2.5 kids?

Random title that has nothing to do with this post. you can all thank Dakota for his 11.7:1 student to teacher ratio from berry.
Well I got back from Chicago today and my mom has completely renovated my room. So, as soon as I walk in the door I look at my room with my mom and eventually break free from her explanations as to what she's done with my room to put my luggage up. After that I went to Thanksgiving dinner at my Granny's house (we eat there the weekend after thanksgiving so everyone can be there). In Chicago it was as cold as I suspected it would be. Joy of joys, we had to stand around in the snow for an hour or so just before we joined the parade. It was really fun though. There was a store closed right where we had to wait and their entrance was a revolving door that they had locked. Anyway, we shoved fifteen people into that tiny doorway. It was nice and toasty towards the middle of that band orgy. As someone said in the middle of the huddle "There's close and then there's band close." Let me give you an example of just how close we were. Jon and Andrea were packed next to me and someone else was holding Andrea's piccolo. Andrea couldn't get her arms up so the person holding the piccolo put it on my shoulder where I shrugged back until jon caught it in his mouth and dropped it into Andrea's hands. Something far funnier happened in the middle of the parade smack dab where the cameras were filming us so I'm not sure if you guys will get to see me because I was standing right next to what happened. Well, the trip took longer than we expected (16 hours instead of 13) so the night before the parade we arrived late for the ball and we got at most 5 hours of sleep. So, during the parade I march with the tubas and Rickie stands right next to me. We had to stop for a second while we were marching and RICKIE FALLS ASLEEP! He was holding his tuba and everything and when the band started moving he got left behind. I had to fall behind to wake his butt up and get him back in formation.
The next day we went to the field museum, which was awesome, the museum of science and industry, which wasn't so fabulous because everyone was dead tired, and finally shopping at the navy pier. Oh yeah, we went to the Sear's tower at some point as well.
Mr. Rittenhouse has an air canon in the band room that he uses to shoot people who talk or don't pay attention. Well, the museum of science and industry sold these particular air canons. Needless to say, although they were twenty dollars each, a great number were purchased and used to snipe Mr. Rittenhouse throughout the rest of the trip.
So, all in all, I had a blast, took some photos, made some memories, and bought a coffee mug that holds 30 ounces of any given liquid. Yep, that's right. they don't even make coffee pots that big.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Well the Krieg has gone off to her drunken teacher fest in new york and left us poor APers to our own devices. We miss you Krieg. Well today we watched the entire Jack the Ripper dvd and most of the Cities of the Underworld Dracula thing. It was fun. And yes Krieg, we did actually do work as well. I went to go have my allergy test done today and they couldn't get the full two vials of blood they needed for all fifty tests but they have enough for thirty five or so. Anyway, here's the fun part; when I was finished having my blood drawn, even though I didn't have as much taken as I've had in the past, I got really dizzy and my hearing kind of went out so they laid me out on the floor like I was dying and loaded me with juice and cookies. It all comes of skipping lunch today and not drinking enough water. I know, tsk tsk should have listened to stephanie. I just don't like the lunchroom or being herded around like cattle. Come on people, I don't need a babysitter. I take perfectly good care of myself and I help the school run smoothly; they should just leave me alone and let me get on with it (Mr. Kelly). I have to go to Dr. Charisne's (however that's spelled) office on Friday for part of third block and most if not all of fourth block but I'll be there for drama club and to take stephanie home with me for the weekend. We're gonna go get facials, doo-da, doo-da-day! OH no, I forgot I have to go pester my dad into buying me books......... *runs off*

Friday, November 9, 2007

"And now for something completely different!"

Well kids I'm sitting in third block as usual trying to decide what to do with the next five minutes when i have nothing to do (not strictly true I've already decided to post for you fine ppl). Anyway I felt like posting. Random info. a lot of people backed out from the last football game at the last moment. I wasn't going to go tonight because I've been feeling really crappy (why I went to the doctors to see about my toncils) and I was supposed to go get my allergy medicine today but because so many people backed out at the last minute I told mr. R that I would just go ahead and go to the football game tonight. He said he would let me leave after halftime so I probably will. Anyway an update on my medical situation. I'm going for allergy tests next wednesday and I'm going to have my toncils taken out on december twentieth. Also, Dr. Smith said I have reactive airway syndrome (not a surprise really my brother had it too but he grew out of it or something. Ironic how I grew into it) and I have to go to my primary physician to get an emergency inhaler. I still adamantly insist that is Stephanie's sickliness that has infected me. I'm just messing with you Steph, I <3 u. well the bell's gonna ring any second now so i'll go.