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Friday, February 25, 2011

Help Nathan Buy Firefly

I feel pretty epic right now. I'm helping with a national non-profit called Help Nathan Buy Firefly that aspires to buy back the creative rights to Firefly. I actually spoke with Kickstarter, an online fundraising group, and received approval for HNBFF to use their site to crowd-fund our project.

Fox has been sitting on the rights to Firefly too long. We browncoats want more original content.

This is, however, bigger even than Firefly. HNBFF is a big step in a fan controlled, media revolution. I've written about this in many of my media classes.

Copyright laws are creating a moratorium on creativity as they fail to keep up with the lightning fast changes of the internet. For instance, downloading peer shared content is illegal because distribution companies would have to change their marketing plan in order to make money off of freely disbursed content.

Well, now we're showing big companies the way, and the times, they are a changing.

So, come help out! Go like our page on Facebook, please.

- Can't stop the signal -

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ah, my flighty muse. He strikes when I am sick. (Yes, my muse is a guy).

Gah! So, I am terribly sick at the moment and contemplating blowing off the rest of the school semester. It will never happen. I just like to fantasize. Still, the great and terrible muse strikes again when I am weakest. So, I have made my first webcomic thing. It's about how twihaters are ruining the world...and my reading time.
